10 Commandments Of Business Success

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business success-entrepreneurs platform

why are we in business?

I remember the first time i was asked this particular question in a customer relations training, I hurriedly said “to make money/profit of course!” with the facial expression that suggests “why would anyone be asking such a dumb question”. Then the trainer smiled and said “You are in business to create a customer/customers”. I wanted to argue but then I thought about it, at the end of the training I was able to figure it all out.

We can not talk about Business Success without talking about customer relations.. 


One of the best ways to understand and appreciate the importance of customers is by getting use to the following rules/Commandments, which will in return help you succeed in business. These rules can also be traced back to Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi reportedly taught these rules to his law clerks.

You should also think of each of these rules in relation to Internal and External customers and two way service:

  1. Customers are the most important people in our business.
  2. Customers are not dependent on us – We are dependent on them.
  3. Customers are not to argue or match wits with.
  4. Customers brings us their needs – It’s our job to fill those needs.
  5. Customers are not an interruption of work – they are the purpose of it.
  6. Customers do us a favor when they call – We do not do them a favor by serving them.
  7. Customers are part of our business – They are not outsiders
  8. Customers deserve the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give them.
  9. Customers are the individuals who make it possible to pay wages.
  10. Customers are the lifeblood of our business.

Understanding how to create and keep customers is one of the major ways of understanding business success.

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