Discipline – The Compulsory Entrepreneurial Trait.

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Every man must live by a code..I know right? There are several personal traits every entrepreneur that intends to be successful should have. Let’s have a quick look at them:

  • Discipline
  • Hardworking
  • Resilience
  • Strong sense of self
  • Flexibility
  • Passion
  • Vision and even more
But in this post am just going to talk about Discipline alone, I’ll discuss the other ones in my future posts, be sure to check for them later.
So why is Discipline so important?

Discipline stands to be the most vital of all other entrepreneurial traits. You can see Discipline as a code that guides the other traits and keep them in line.   Without a strong self-discipline all other entrepreneurial traits you have won’t matter that much.  How so? 
Let’s say you are a hardworking entrepreneur and you are passionate about your job or business, of course you are at liberty of picking your own working hours and schedules, you are answerable to no boss but yourself, without having that strong Discipline, you’d always run into two possible situations: 

  1. You get to reschedule and work less than you are meant to do, probably due to non-business related stuffs (after all no buggy boss is on your neck).
  2. Or you tend to over work yourself, work without proper timing and plan which will still be detrimental to your health or affects other sectors of your business.
discipline increases your inner strength

Often at times an entrepreneur gets to make decisions, resolutions and so on..But hey! the big Q here is: do they always stick to it? It’s that strong Discipline that will help you keep to this decisions and resolutions, trust me, it’s not easy to keep them.

Now let’s talk about staying healthy, of course your health as an entrepreneurs is of a paramount importance, if you don’t take care of your health, you probably won’t be able or worst still, alive to run your business. This is where your discipline comes in play again as one of the compulsory entrepreneurial traits, its takes discipline to go to that gym, eat right, practice a good hygiene lifestyle and more.


Drives Professionalism And Good Reputation

As an entrepreneur you are going to encounter some challenges from time to time, your ability to deal with those challenges calmly and intelligently matters a great deal.

Let’s talk about some difficult clients, if your niche is or somewhat related to tech, you’d have more experience on this, there are clients you’d meet and they will do stuffs that might stretch your human tolerance limits. But then you know you have to keep it cool, you remember all your customer relations skills and more. This is yet again another place or scenario Discipline come in play.



entrepreneurial traits

Discipline they say, transforms a dreamer to a doer. You can have a multi-million idea and a couple of resources to pull things off, but then it takes Discipline to drive it to success and keep it that way.

I can go on and on and tell you why Discipline stands the most important of all other entrepreneurial traits, but my guess is that you re already thinking about the rest of the reasons.

Getting to the top is one thing, staying there is another and the latter is harder than the former. Guess what? Discipline must be  in the book among the other good traits.

When you work for someone else, you are always on the clock even when you are at home, you should apply the same or even more when work for yourself, its all for success.

Feel free to add your own ideas about Discipline and how it affects entrepreneurship in the comment section. You may as well subscribe to our newsletter for your free entrepreneurial tips or join us on telegram

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tunde Blaq

    I totally agree. Nice one

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